Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Garden With Me - The Year of the Tomato, part 2

Just as the tomatoes had reached 6 feet tall we took a road trip to Oregon. It was a great; 10 days, with stops at Crater Lake, Rouge River Gorge, and Lake Tahoe...but more about that another time, back to the tomatoes.

A friend was coming by to looks after the plants, and as luck would have it, the weather warmed up and the plants decided to fruit. Well the ripe fruit came quick and was more that he could eat so he bagged some up and gave them out to the neighbors. 

When we got back, there were a few ripe  tomatoes on the plants - and they were tasty - and it appeared that the ripe ones would be coming soon. Unfortunatly the yellow plums had subcomed to a root fungus and were not looking so good.
I was out in the yard one morning taking care of the yard and my neighbor - who I had not seen in weeks, leaned over the fence and yelled "Thanks for the tomatoes! We had them sliced with our morning eggs, they were delicious" - he kind-of caught me off-gaurd as I had a chance to eat a couple by that point. If it's not the squirrels and birds, it's the neighbors was running through my mind.
But my chance came soon, within a few days we were picking bowls full of the cherry tomatoes. The big beef and romas were not far behind. As were the bell peppers and yellow banana peppers - did I mention those? There is also a mis-marked pepper, it was supposed to be a yellow banana pepper, but turned out to be HOT! That was a nice surprise.
So far we have had fresh tomatoes, tomatoes in salad, tomatoes on sandwiches, tomatoes on pizza and tomatoes in kabobs...all in all very tasty.

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